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#Java - Code Snippets for '#Org.apache.ace.repository.ext.BackupRepository' - 1 code snippet(s) found

 Sample 1. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of org.apache.ace.repository.ext.BackupRepository

    public void testInitialCheckout() throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {

Repository m_repository = new MockRepository();

byte[] testContent = new byte[] {'i', 'n', 'i', 't', 'i', 'a', 'l'};

m_repository.commit(new ByteArrayInputStream(testContent), 0);

BackupRepository m_backupRepository = new MockBackupRepository();

CachedRepository m_cachedRepository = new CachedRepositoryImpl(m_repository, m_backupRepository, 0);

InputStream input = m_cachedRepository.checkout(1);

byte[] inputBytes = AdminTestUtil.copy(input);

assert AdminTestUtil.byteArraysEqual(inputBytes, testContent) : "We got something different than 'initial' from checkout: " + new String(inputBytes);

input = m_cachedRepository.getLocal(false);

inputBytes = AdminTestUtil.copy(input);

assert AdminTestUtil.byteArraysEqual(inputBytes, testContent) : "We got something different than 'initial' from getLocal: " + new String(inputBytes);

input =;

inputBytes = AdminTestUtil.copy(input);

assert AdminTestUtil.byteArraysEqual(inputBytes, testContent) : "We got something different than 'initial' from the backup repository: " + new String(inputBytes);


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